Managing our school waste

Saint Joseph statue at SMAK Kolese Santo Yusup.
Characteristics of the waste in our school

             School as a gathering place for many people to be the largest waste producer in addition to the market, household, industrial and institutional. In general, waste can be separated into:
a.) Organic waste, for example: food scraps, vegetable scraps and fruit skins, fish and meat, garden waste (grass, leaves and twigs).
b.) Inorganic waste, for example: paper, wood, fabric, glass, metal, plastic, rubber and soil.
             Waste generated mostly school is kind of dry waste and wet waste only slightly. Dry waste is produced mostly in the form of paper, plastic and a little metal. While the wet garbage from a tree fallen leaves, food scraps and food wrapping in banana leaves.

Waste management

1. Sorting is separated into groups of organic and non-organic waste and placed in different containers.
2. Processing by implementing the 3R concept:
    a.) Reuse (reuse) that is using a particular waste is still possible to use [reuse old bottles].
    b.) Reduce (reduction) that is trying to reduce everything that can lead to waste and reduce the waste that already exists.
    c.) Recycle (recycling) which is using certain waste to be processed into a more useful item [recycling organic waste into compost].
3. For waste that can not be addressed within the scope of the school, gathered to place temporary shelters has been provided for further transported by the janitor to the final disposal.

Designing Waste Management in our school

There are so many ideas that can be realise to managing our school waste.

1. Organic waste
Organic waste can be processed into compost. The process is easy and simple. Elementary school age children can work on their own until high school. With wet waste composting at school can be a medium of learning for students. At least the children will learn about the Natural Sciences. Children will also learn to appreciate the environment. They will learn how to waste it can be beneficial to humans not only as something dirty and disgusting. The resulting compost can be used to fertilize plants that exist or as a mixture of planting medium in pots.

2. Paper waste
Paper waste generated a lot of that type HVS. This paper types among scavengers have the highest prices. Not to mention cardboard, paper food wrappers and other paper types. Especially for waste paper, can do two things to manage:
a.) The first is recycling as its own management. Waste paper can be recycled fairly easily. Scrap paper cut into small pieces and soaked in water. The next process is the blender to turn into pulp. This is where creativity is needed. Pulp can be used as recycled paper or can be used as the basis of creativity, such masks pigora paper or forms.
b.) The second form of management is sorting system for sale. HVS manifold paper separated from other types such as newspaper, cardboard and kerdus. Waste paper that has been sorted earlier sold to scavengers. Scavengers will periodically come to the school to pick up the paper. This type has been run in our OSIS and in our library.

3. Plastic waste
Another type of rubbish in the school is pretty much plastic. Garbage is mostly made up of plastic wrap and a bottle of mineral water. For the latter type are now much sought after. Used bottles are made from PET plastic can be recycled into plastic pellets. Similarly, the former beverage cans are made of metal. This type of waste should also be sorted, collected for sale. Children can also be crafted creative crafts or wall hangings. And to realise this type, our OSIS was organised many events which using our waste to make something creative such as Holy Christmas, Mading Festival, Innovation For Life, etc.

At last, these idea can't be realised without ourself awareness. If it isn't start from us, who else?.
Thank You and Keep On Spirit!
